
look who monopolizes the core components of a car.

look who monopolizes the core components of a car.

gasoline engine there is no doubt that mitsubishi, japan, has almost monopolized the supply of gasoline engines for all its own brands of cars that cannot produce their own engines.
replacement cycle of automobile parts

replacement cycle of automobile parts

一辆汽车有成千上万个零部件,作为普通车主,我们无法也无需一一了解这些零部件的用处,但是为了行车安全及延长其使用寿命,对于一些易损零部件的常识问题车主要时刻关注。 a car has tens of thousands of parts. as an ordinary car owner, we can't and don't need to know the use of these parts. but in order to drive safely and prolong its servic